
Partnering With Patients to Achieve Great Results.

Dunn Physical Therapy Partners is an independent, 100% physical therapist-owned practice in the Triangle. We were founded in 2018, but our story begins much earlier.

In 1998, Christopher and Tess Dunn founded Dunn Physical Therapy in Cary, North Carolina. Over the years we put down strong roots in the Triangle, providing physical therapy to the community: patients young and old, entire families, amateur and professional athletes, laborers, pre-professional and professional dancers, and more. We were providers to the North Carolina Football Club (then called the RailHawks.) In 2003 Dunn Physical Therapy had the distinct honor of national recognition as the recipients of the Physical Therapy Private Practice Award.

Even as the business grew, we maintained an uncompromising focus on one-on-one patient interaction. Our patients got to know us well and we witnessed each other’s children grow up, saluted their successes and helped them heal through setbacks. Those relationships with patients are what continues to fuel our passion for providing physical therapy care.

Amidst the Affordable Care Act and changing industry conditions, medical professionals began merging and consolidating. In 2015, Dunn Physical Therapy partnered with Confluent Health; a national healthcare private equity organization. Due to philosophical differences and a yearning for our roots as a private practice, we left and in 2018, we opened Physical Therapy Partners.

We are very excited to be a truly independent, patient-focused physical therapy practice! After all, without our roots, we could never have grown.

Meet Our Team