ACL Injuries

Recovering from ACL Injuries: How Physical Therapy Can Get You Back in the Game

An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury can be a devastating setback for athletes and active individuals. Whether it occurs on the field, court, or during everyday activities, an ACL injury can result in pain, instability, and a significant disruption to one’s life. Fortunately, with the right approach to recovery, you can regain strength, stability, and get back in the game.Let’s explore how physical therapy plays a pivotal role in helping individuals recover from ACL injuries.

The Role of PT 

In the early post-surgery phase (0-2 weeks), the primary focus of physical therapy is on controlling pain, reducing swelling, and gradually restoring basic knee mobility. Passive range-of-motion exercises and gentle strengthening exercises are introduced.

During the intermediate phase (2-12 weeks), the emphasis shifts to strengthening the surrounding muscles, especially the quadriceps and hamstrings. Physical therapists incorporate balance and proprioception exercises to enhance joint stability.

In the late phase (12 weeks and beyond), functional rehabilitation becomes the priority. Patients work on activities that mimic their specific sport or daily activities. Agility drills, sport-specific movements, and plyometrics are introduced to help individuals regain their athletic abilities.

Benefits of Regular PT Sessions

Physical therapy offers numerous benefits throughout the recovery process. Treatment plans are personalized to address each patient’s unique needs and goals, ensuring a tailored approach. Therapists employ various modalities and techniques to manage pain and discomfort, while also teaching techniques to reduce the risk of re-injury. Regaining full knee range of motion is crucial, and therapists provide support and motivation to help patients stay positive throughout their recovery journey.

Schedule Your First Appointment Today

Recovering from an ACL injury is a challenging journey that requires time, patience, and expert guidance. Physical therapy is an essential component of this process, not only aiding in recovery but also promoting strength and resilience. Collaborating closely with a physical therapist who understands individual needs and goals is key to achieving a successful recovery. If you’ve recently experienced an ACL injury, remember that dedication and the right support can lead to a successful return to the active lifestyle you love. Contact our PT team in Cary today!